The first annotation is a text to self connection due to me thinking what I wrote in the margin my whole life when it came to writing. I mentioned this throughout my own personal narrative.

The second annotation is is a text to text connection, it relates to how writers pick an identity when forming their pieces and how this is similar to a concept in Haas’ work.

This is another text to text connection, it is pretty self explanatory in what it is showing due to the underlined portion.

Yet another underlined portion related to Haas’ work as well as an understanding annotation. A common saying/play on words may help me in the future when returning to the work.

Alexander often throughout his work references discourses as a whole and elements of them which circles back to Gee’s work.

This also references back to Gee due to education potentially pushing an individual out of the family or community discourse perhaps due to questioning or thinking one is better than the other.

This is a text to world connection due to history classes often portraying America as the best without regards to our negative impacts.

This is an extending annotation due to bringing the authors ideas of privilege to show how privileged individuals are able to focus on the small things and feel entitled to change due to them being taught that encouraged.

This annotation is text to world due to it relating how the underlined phrase applies to values in America.

This annotation in a way is challenging, yet it is more in disbelief of the information. It simply surprised me that’s all, I thought it would’ve been the opposite. Therefore it could fit into questioning.