Reflecting on Revision – Paper 2

INTRODUCTION – In my final draft introduction I made sure to explain what a discourse is in the first place and what Gee mentioned were necessary to be included in one. With this said I went into more depth with what is required for scientific discourse. I explain the impact of these building tasks whereas … [Read more…]

Paragraphs Assignment

Gee describes a discourse as a group of individuals who obtain the same identity kits and practices. Meaning the way one speaks, the language used, the values they hold, what they wear and much more. Without these characteristics one is not apart of the group. An example of an exclusive discourse would be scientific discourse, … [Read more…]

Revision Plan Assignment

I believe that I am already working pretty well with Gee’s concepts in my first and second main body paragraphs. I explain his overall topic of building tasks as well as go in with specific examples of connections and significance and how they apply to scientific discourse as a whole. How significance allows for an … [Read more…]

Homework for October 9th – Start of 2nd Paper

For starters, Gee is a firm believer that when individuals speak or write they subconsciously establish seven different areas of reality. In his work titled Building Tasks he defines these areas, an example of one area would be connections. In his definition he explains that language is used to define similarities between texts and much … [Read more…]

Building Task Homework for October 4th

Significance – “Experts within scientific domains, then, draw upon rich representations of discourse as a social and rhetorical act, what geisler has called socially configured mental models, as they create and interpret texts and as they judge the validity and usefulness of the information within them” (Haas, 45). This quote shows significance because in this … [Read more…]

Annotation Homework for October 4th

This is a text to text annotation relating Gee’s concept of Discourses requiring the specific language along with his other work re-enforcing this idea. This is another text to text annotation relating Haas words to the format of IMRAD. This a relationship annotation comparing Gee’s two works that we have dealt with in class and … [Read more…]

Haas Reading Questions 1

Haas opening statement is essentially stating how literacy at the college level isn’t about simply reading. It also isn’t about memorizing the information and accepting the text automatically. Instead it’s about verifying the authors validity as well as looking into the authors motive and much more. It is going beyond what the text says. For … [Read more…]

Reflecting on Revision – Paper 1

INTRODUCTION – Overall my first draft introduction consisted of two summary paragraphs on Gee and Cuddy’s work.  But for my final draft I deleted the majority of these paragraphs and instead I compared the two works in general for my opening statement. Then I went into a sentence or two on each author specifically, and … [Read more…]

Haas Reading Evidence

This type of annotation is text to self, I am relating a topic that Haas brings up to what I was performing at that given time with her work. I related Haas words back to her main topic of reading and learning Biology, in a way it’s text to text but it could also be … [Read more…]